During a group discussion I was asked,”how do you stay happy even on your worst days?” As Christians our happiness should come from within and it is maintained through our relationship with God. Outside factors such as money and love, should not determine your happiness and peace of mind.
The Webster Dictionary (online) describes happiness as a state of well-being and contentment(joy).It is a pleasurable or satisfying experience.
Our faith makes us strong and by completely trusting God, we continue to develop and grow our faith. So no matter what goes on around us, we must continue to look to him for peace, joy and happiness. However, there are times when we experience that gut wrenching low, which brings on a wave of sadness that disrupts the peace, joy and contentment we are experiencing.
The question is how do I remain contented and happy, while going through challenging and difficult situations?
Some strategies that you can implement are:
1. Learning to laugh in the face of adversity.
Our natural instinct is to become sad, overwhelmed and depressed when thinking about a difficult situation. However, do not make the weight of your circumstances destroy your joy. Maintain a positive outlook, no matter what you are going through.
2. Not letting your circumstances define who you are.
Don’t put yourself in a box. Instead of always saying I am broke, sick or unworthy, look on yourself in a positive light. Some things to say to yourself are “I am beautiful, I am smart, I am intelligent, I can do anything I set my mind to, I am healthy and I am an overcomer, nothing or no one will ever break me.“Think about all the positive things that makes you unique and bask in the joy of all your unique gifts, talents and abilities.
3. Learning to love yourself, faults and all.
Don’t strive to be perfect, but learn to appreciate and love your imperfections too. Don’t beat yourself up because you are not as slim as you want to be (or maybe you have always been a voluptuous diva), you can‘t seem to keep the right job or you feel like you are aimlessly wandering through life. Uplift and encourage yourself by speaking positive affirmations over your life DAILY. You might not be in the job of your dreams, but you HAVE a job.
4. Not internalizing how you feel.
Get help.Talk about it, talk to someone, scream and cry out if you have to, but get help. Do what is necessary, to get the strategies and resources you need to help you heal emotionally.
5. Accepting the things you cannot change and changing the things you can.
Why worry about the things you cannot change? Focus on changing what you can, so you can find peace within the resolution, which is an important factor in maintaining your happiness and joy.
6. Forgiving yourself.
So you messed up big time. Don’t focus on your past mistakes, poor decisions and bad choices, as you will continue to hold on to toxic emotions such as anger, bitterness and hurt. Move forward and look on these bad experiences as lessons you have learned, that will help you to forge a new positive path ahead.
7. Clearing your mind of negative thoughts.

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Do activities that relaxes you and helps to promote positive thinking .Some great examples are meditation, listening to calming sounds,walking, reading, watching a movie or taking a road trip.
8. Surrounding yourself with positive individuals who can encourage, inspire and motivate you when you are down.
9. Meditating on the word.
10. PRAYING for guidance, wisdom and understanding.
According to James 5:16 “…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Where do I go from here?
It is important that you find peace and joy in your life,because this will lead to contentment and peace of mind. Some things you can do immediately is:
1.Reflect on what situation or circumstance(s) may be preventing you from achieving a state of contentment or happiness.
2. Start implementing the strategies that you have learned in this blog. By confronting the problem and implementing solutions, you will have a more positive outlook on life and experience more peace of mind and joy.
Coach Tami™ Your Life Strategist