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Are you emotionally tapped out?

burned out photo

Wow! It has been awhile..sheesh and I just had this post sitting accumulating cobwebs in the dark! Well I am in a relaxed mode since summer has arrived, but I remembered not too long ago (April/May to be exact), I was running around like a chicken without a head. Mama Mia!  ……

So after coming home from an emotionally tiring day, I realized that I was all tapped out. I had a million things running through my head and I just suddenly thought “I need to slow down,”as life is not always infused with smooth transitions or clarity. Sometimes you just exist and take what life dishes out, whether it is confusing or not. I for one, was not too pleased with what life was dishing out this week. Being a mother, wife, daughter, entrepreneur, educator, mentor and author puts me in a position of constantly juggling my professional, business and personal life.

This particular week, I was running the gauntlet with two of my children. My son is an 11th grader, who plays football and is  transitioning to 12th grade. I was in constant contact with his 11th grade counselor, his football coach, as well as his teachers via email, text/phone to ensure his grade stayed on top and he stayed focused. This also involved checking his school grade book and getting tutors.Then comes the football injury and we are now off to the therapist. Gosh! Are you tired yet?

Next I had a 6th grader who was transitioning from middle school and was also dealing with an illness that kept her out of school for many days at a time. So what did I have to do? Yup,you guessed it! Call her teachers, her counselors and check her grades to make sure she was not falling behind. I also had to help her with her projects/assignments, so that she could get back on track academically. However, with her it went a step further, as I had to also schedule doctor’s appointments, labs and make sure that she stayed focused AND healthy.

My saving grace was my seven year old whose teacher told me that she was doing an excellent job at school and there were no concerns academically or otherwise. I was like Thank you Lord, as juggling all three of my children at one time would have been beyond crazy!

I had just finished a Women’s conference, I was promoting my book and I was scheduled to do a book signing event in a few weeks. Professionally I was promoted to a leadership position, doors were being opened for my non-profit organization and slowly things in my personal life were coming around. There was so much to do and I was just done…I needed a break. That’s where I had to just stop and implement my 5 R’s Strategy.…Can you say lifesaver?  Stay tuned for my next blog, as I will discuss some strategies and resources I used to help me stay sane and focused.

Tameka A. Williams 

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017

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